
Presentation 'Doing Business in Russia’

I would like to offer my presentation 'Doing business in Russia' and a business quiz to companies.

I give online video presentations 'Doing business in Russia' to students of the HZ University of Applied Sciences. I also give an interactive Kahoot knowledge quiz for business owners.

The winner of the quiz has the chance to win a trip to Russia, Russian chocolate, or a bottle of Russian vodka! The presentation is about cultural, political, and economic differences between Russia and the Netherlands and tips and tricks on where the opportunities for entrepreneurs lie in Russia. Furthermore, it is about salaries, taxes, growth sectors, and also about why you, as a Dutchman, are interesting for Russians and why not.

Afterwards, there is room for asking questions. The presentation is very interesting and instructive, as it covers a wide range of aspects.

I would like to offer my presentation 'Doing business in Russia' and a business quiz to companies. If you are interested in this presentation, please contact Tsarina Translations and Language School.

 Video: Behind the scenes.

Last modified: Saturday, 7 May 2022, 4:24 PM